Who Is Gina?
Gina and Doreen!
Gina and grandog Jeffery!
I grew up in a family-run furniture business and my dad taught me the basics of running it starting when I was around 10 years old. I not only learned how to balance the checkbook but also the finer points of customer service. My dad had a terrific sense of humor and was a great role model, making my hours in the store not only educational but fun.
So when I was presented with the opportunity to enter the bookkeeping business, I knew I had found my calling, as it combined all of my favorite skills learned at that young age. From my very first client in 2006, I vowed to follow the lessons my dad taught me... treat your customers with respect and honesty, deliver a quality product, exceed expectations, and have fun doing it!
Thanks Dad!!
In memoriam
Rexie Woodman
Family pet since 2007 until he passed on December 2, 2021.